Do you want to make money? Are you unemployed and want to make money from the comfort of your home? Or are you employed and in need of extra income Then this is an opportunity of a life time, Don’t miss out on these life changing offer. You stand a chance to make millions in month’s time. Grab the opportunity now! Is the seeming recession affecting your finances?
Here is an opportunity to your financial freedom. Be a part of a real and practical empowerment seminar coming up on;
DATE: Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th august 2016
VENUE: No. 10 Oroazi rd. opposite ebony hospital, port-Harcourt (king david plaza)
CONTACT: 08102965907 . 08171406327
For further enquiries email;
Title : Make Money from the comfort of your home
Description : Do you want to make money? Are you unemployed and want to make money from the comfort of your home? Or are you employed and in need of extr...